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Wedding Planner

Dearest Bride,

We are beyond excited that you have chosen Visions Event Studio as your wedding planner, to come alongside you during this wonderful time in your life.  It is truly an honor and we want only the best for you. From proposal to the walk down the aisle, we are here for you!

Before we start planning we would love for you to aquiant yourself with the wedding workspace that we will be working in.

The first thing you will expect is an invite from your wedding planner to the Visions Event Studio Aisle Planner workspace.

  1. You will need to create a login and password.  We suggest your wedding date as something easy to remember.
  2. Next, you will will want to bookmark the login page at Visions Event Studio’s website for easy access.  We will be using this system instead of traditional email threads to organize and streamline all of your wedding details.
  3. You will also want to start browsing the system. It’s pretty simple, but we did add a few things to get you started.
  4. Your first planning call can be expected within a few weeks, so dig in and have fun!

You may have a few questions that we would love to answer!

  1. Does Aisle Planner sync with Google calendar or ical?  Yes!  We are so excited for this feature, if you haven’t already you should make a new wedding planning calendar in your calendar lists to keep things organized.
  2. Will I have to upload all of my information?  No, that is what we are here for!  You may see only the nuts and bolts in the beginning but as we plan more you will see your workspace come to life.
  3. Who has access to my workspace?  Only the planners assigned to your wedding.  No other brides can see your information or vendors. We collaborate but they can not see into your wedding workspace.
  4. If I already have my information in Excel can I upload it into Aisle Planner? Of course, you need to download one of their templates to ensure a smooth transition but it should be super simple.  Ask your consultant for assistance if you get stuck.
  5. Can I download my information in my workspace?  Absolutely! Although Aisle Planner is an online hub so there is never anything to download to access the workspace. You can download all your checklists, inspiration boards, you name it and you can download it. We love paper still at Visions and every bride still gets a Visions binder with all her details. There is nothing better than online and paper collaboration!

We hope you enjoy your new wedding planning workspace as much as we do!!

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